2018年4月30日 星期一

RUSSIA TOUR 2018: ZAGORSK (Refectory Church)

Gears: A7R3 with 16-35 GM

Refectory means dinning place of church or monastery. The Refectory Church at the monastery here has a long hall of 85 meters long with no pillar support at the middle. The walls and ceilings are decorated with colourful paintings. At the end of the hall is an altar.

The long building is the Refectory Church with an altar in far end (tall structure behind the trees).
The small building in the front is the St. Mica's Church.

Part of the long hall inside

part of the paints in the ceiling

Upright angle shot at the ceiling

Altar at the far end

Entrance to the hall with a seminary student sitting at the left

